The Blockades of Divorce: How to Handle Them

a couple going through a divorce
  • Divorce involves numerous legal, financial, and emotional hurdles that require strategic planning and professional assistance.
  • Key blockades include extensive legal paperwork, settlement battles involving property, child custody, alimony, and debt division.
  • The emotional challenge of enduring the divorce process and societal stigma can also be considered substantial blockades.
  • Overcoming these blockades relies on knowledge, patience, professional guidance, emotional support, and self-care.

Divorce is often challenging, marked by many obstacles that can tax emotional and financial resources. The complexity of property division, child custody battles, and high legal costs make the process strenuous. According to the American Psychological Association, about 40% to 50% of married couples in the United States divorce. Furthermore, the financial strain of divorce can be significant. Nolo, a legal directory, reports that the average cost of divorce in the U.S. can range from $15,000 to $30,000. The emotional toll is equally heavy, leading to increased depression and anxiety among divorcees. Therefore, navigating a divorce requires resilience, expert guidance, and a supportive network.

However, there are so many blockades in a divorce that could make it long, painful, and expensive. Understanding these blockades and developing a plan to deal with them is essential. Here are a few of them:

The Legal Process

One of many legal documents in divorce

The extensive paperwork involved is one significant blockade that can prolong divorce. The requirement to gather, fill out, and submit numerous documents can make the process of divorce not only lengthy but also complex. These papers may include financial affidavits, child custody schedules, and marital property inventories, to name a few. Each document demands meticulous attention to detail and a comprehensive understanding of legal terminologies and implications. The slightest miscalculation or oversight could lead to unfavorable consequences.

Handling this paperwork blockade effectively requires strategic planning and professional assistance. Working with a competent divorce attorney can aid in understanding and filling out these forms accurately and timely. Organizing all necessary documents in advance can also alleviate the stress associated with this process.

If financial resources allow, hiring a divorce financial analyst may be beneficial to help avoid financial pitfalls and optimize the financial outcome of the divorce. Remember, each divorce case is unique and requires a personalized approach, putting patience and diligence at the forefront of navigating this blockade.

Settlement Battles

Another divorce blockade is negotiating a fair settlement for both parties. Couples might be tempted to hire aggressive attorneys and fight for every penny, but this tactic could backfire. Keeping a level head and an open mind are essential in settling the divorce without creating tension and animosity. Here are a few areas to prioritize:

Property Settlement

Divorce often entails disputes over asset distribution as individuals struggle to reach an equitable agreement. For instance, deciding who will retain the family home or how retirement accounts should be divided can lead to heated debates. To handle such disputes, a mediator could be beneficial. Mediators can provide a neutral perspective and guide the couple toward a fair agreement, minimizing disagreement.

Child Custody and Support

Child custody and support are often contentious issues in divorce. Parents might disagree on who should primarily care for the children, or there might be disputes about how child support should be calculated. Regarding these issues, focusing on your children’s best interests is essential. Collaborative law, a method where each parent has an advocate, and the entire team works together to reach an agreeable solution, can be helpful. Child custody attorneys will have a deeper understanding of the laws determining custody and child support. They are also familiar with the nuances of each case, enabling them to provide helpful advice to their clients.


Disagreements about alimony or spousal support can also complicate divorces. One party might believe they are entitled to more support than the other party is willing to provide. Here, obtaining legal advice is crucial. A lawyer can provide guidance based on your state’s alimony laws and help negotiate a fair arrangement.

Debt Division

Another common dispute arises from deciding who bears responsibility for shared debts. Credit card obligations, mortgage, or car loans accrued during the marriage must be divided. Debt division depends on whether you live in a community property or an equitable distribution state. Understanding the laws of your state is essential, and financial advisors can assist in making informed decisions in this regard.

Making It Through

Having second thoughts about divorce

Surviving the divorce process and emerging strong on the other side is a challenge that can be considered another blockade. This is primarily due to the sheer endurance required to navigate divorce’s complexities and emotional turmoil. It often feels like an uphill battle, full of uncertainties and difficult decisions.

The emotional drain can leave one feeling defeated and overwhelmed, complicating the ability to make sound judgments. Constant reminders of the past and the fear of an uncertain future can trigger anxiety and depression. Furthermore, societal pressure and the stigma associated with divorce can exacerbate feelings of isolation and hopelessness.

Thus, self-care and emotional support from friends, family, or professional therapists are crucial. Engaging in activities that foster positivity and resilience can help one navigate this challenging blockade. Remember, it is not just about making it through the process but about emerging from it more robust and more resilient.

Final Thoughts

Navigating a divorce is not an easy process. Many blockades can make the journey challenging and long-lasting. However, armed with knowledge, patience, and perseverance, it is possible to move past these blockades and reach a fair agreement. Professional guidance from attorneys or financial analysts can also be incredibly beneficial in minimizing stress and achieving success in the divorce process. It is essential to remember to take care of yourself emotionally and have a supportive network during this time. With the right plan in place, one can find strength and hope.

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