What Does a Disability Lawyer Do?

In this video, “What Does A Disability Lawyer Do Anyway?” a Canadian disability lawyer firm offers viewers a case study demonstrating the value of its services. In the case study, the client, Donna, is a nurse. Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, she stopped working due to her deteriorating condition and applied for long-term disability benefits. Donna had purchased the insurance in case she ever became too sick to work.

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After being rejected for benefits, she reapplies, only to be rejected again. Finally, Donna called a local law firm.

The local law firm has been successfully representing clients in disability cases since 1987. The firm represents clients with serious illnesses and injuries in disability cases. Clients are responsible for fees only if the firm win their cases.

In the case study, Donna is now too sick to travel. Fortunately, her lawyer offered her a free telephone consultation. A disability lawyer decides to take on Donna’s case. They report to their clients regularly, keeping them apprised of developments as the case works through the system. Ultimately, The lawyer wins a settlement for the client, allowing her to continue with her life.

Call your local disability lawyer today and watch the video above to learn more! .

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