May 2021

work from home

Workers’ Compensation: Can Employees Receive Compensation for Work-from-Home Injuries?

When the pandemic started over a year ago, many companies asked their employees to work from home to prevent the spread of the virus. The remote work arrangement was beneficial for both the employees and the companies since it allows both parties to save on expenses. The arrangement also allowed companies to retain their employees […]

Workers’ Compensation: Can Employees Receive Compensation for Work-from-Home Injuries? Read More

mother reading book to her daughter

Dealing with Parenting Stress in a Pandemic

Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety have become more prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic. The global crisis has caused severe feelings of helplessness, especially among medical frontliners and essential workers. But these problems are also being felt by those on the home front, particularly stay-at-home and working parents. Parenting has taken a new

Dealing with Parenting Stress in a Pandemic Read More

lawyer at the office

7 Grounds For Suing a Landlord

Suing someone can be a painstaking process, but when worse comes to worst, you might be left with no choice but to push through with a lawsuit. When your landlord is breaking the law or violating the terms of your lease, you have the right to file a case against them, especially if you have

7 Grounds For Suing a Landlord Read More

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